When should a business get business advice?

From that moment that you get your first fizz of excitement that comes from having a business idea that you believe in, the journey of learning begins. No matter how many businesses you start, each business is a unique mix of challenges and opportunities. 

Many founders have a strong sense of pride and possessiveness about their new business and it can be hard to listen to other opinions and perspectives. It is important to maintain a strong sense of self-belief and quite often people won’t understand your idea to begin with or can’t see your vision as clearly as you can. This means that there can be a resistance to seeking out external help or advice for your new business. It can feel like your own self-belief is only just strong enough to drive you through the challenging start-up process and too much external pressure or negativity might make you doubt yourself.

The problem is, that when we block out external views, we drastically increase our risk of failure. One of the best ways to tell a seasoned business founder is because they hungrily seek out external advice, guidance and feedback, but they do this from experts and those with the right industry knowledge. Whether you are talking about Branding, Website Design, SEO or Financial advice, a wise business owner knows that getting the right advice from the right people can make the difference between success and failure. 

It can be tempting to only listen to those friendly supportive voices of our family, friends and loved ones because this helps us feel more confident, but unfortunately, this advice can often send us down the wrong paths. In fact, both negative and positive advice and feedback from the wrong sources can be damaging. Listening to people who won’t tell you the difficult criticisms you need to hear or listening to the uninformed voices criticising your vision simply because they don’t “get it”, will equally give you a false picture of your business. 

This is why it is so important to seek out quality business advice as early as possible in the startup process and keep seeking more as you go through each stage. An experienced business consultant will never squash your dreams or visions, but rather work with you to try and bring your ideas to life. They will give your idea shape and confidence, pointing out risks and holes in your strategy while providing you with solutions and encouragement to help you build a solid and vibrant business. 

With the right support, you won’t have to rely on shaky self-belief or luck, but rather you can take your forward steps without hesitation and get to your goals more quickly and enjoy the process far more knowing that you have the answers to any questions that might arise. The larger and more successful a business is, the more money they spend on professional advice and business consultancy because they can see the positive impacts of having the right advice at the right time. 

During the Covid 19 crisis, demand for business consultancy and advice has shot up for large businesses as they look to adjust and prepare for the changing and new business environment that business are now entering. Businesses of all sizes benefit dramatically from a knowledgeable hand to hold. Those businesses that embrace change and seek out the right advice can see these new challenging times as an opportunity rather than a time of worry and doubt. 

You can book a 15-minute free consultation with our business consultants by emailing or calling Mon – Fri. To make the most out of your free 15 minute consultation, it is best to email a short description of your business in advance which we will discuss with you upon booking.

You can also check out our 1-2-1 business consultancy packages here, which are available in person, over the phone and over zoom.